El Sabino is a residential project comprised of 18 apartments in Merida Yucatan, it was designed in order o change the architectural landscape in Merida,
aiming to a greener and more spacious way of communal living.El Sabino achieves an innovative way of living in which nature becomes part of our daily lives.
Area: 2,710m
Height: 15m
Stage: Completed
Location: Merida Yucatan
Made in:2020
We at FORMM accompanied our client from the very beginning, from choosing the right plot of land all the way to the end of the construction cycle.
La Plazola: A unique park feature to El Sabino, no other building of its size has something similar. By protecting the existing trees we managed to create a park within the buildings second story.
Las Cartelas: Provding both a dynamic facade and an energy efficient benefit. The "cartelas" are a system of steel decorative screens on rails that each user can move to their liking, this not only makes the building have a different facade every time you look, but helps those south facing apartments better combat the intense meridian sun.
Lots of Green: Throughout the project, sustainability and nature were top priority. We managed to keep 4 different park areas within the building. Something unheard of for a building its size.